Last week reading (2018-06-17)

Last week reading (2018-06-17)

Auditing in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
It’s not a common case we’re sharing an internal link to this blog. But this is unusual moment: the first guest post written by my friend, Janusz Rokicki [T].

Quick Recovery Time with SQL Data Warehouse using User-Defined Restore Points
Now, with this feature, you can make a snapshot before and after important processes on your data warehouse.

Azure Backup for SQL Server on Azure now in public preview
Pay as You Go (PAYG) service for backups? Great idea – you don’t have to have backup infrastructure and having 15-minute RPO meets the backup organisation’s SLA.

Use Azure Data Lake Analytics to query AVRO data from IoT Hub
The video presents how to read and manage (with U-SQL) blob content in AVRO format which is produced by IoT Hub.

Clustered Columnstore Index: Massively Parallel Trickle Insert
Every time is good to hear from Sunil Agarwal and his team. This time it’s all about eliminating last page contention in delta rowgroup by using memory-optimized table and move the data to the target table with suggested chunks of 102400 rows.

Plansplaining, part 6. Aggregates with OVER
It’s sixth part of the series about execution plan. In this episode Hugo Kornelis explains how exactly OVER clause works and how to read its execution plan.

Power BI Tutorial | From Flat File To Data Model
In the video Patrick (Guy in a Cube) presents how to read data from a flat file and build data model. Check why does it worth edit before load.

Ask SQL Family – episode 11 is coming
Next episode will show in few days. Watching this video – it’s quite easy to guess who is our next guest. Can you?

Previous Auditing in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Next SQL Saturday #664 Katowice

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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