Last week reading (2018-11-04)

Last week reading (2018-11-04)

Good morning folks!
I wish you very good week at work, at home or wherever you are/will be. Last week brought super-exciting news to me. What it was? Check at the bottom. In the meantime – bunch of news:

What is Azure Data Factory Data Flow?
You should find all the answers about the coming feature in ADF.

Azure Data Factory Data Flow: Joining Data
In this video Mark (T) presents how to join two sources and how to create new branch (stream of data).

Migration from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
This post shows you step by step how you can migrate on-premise databases to a new Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.

Whitepaper: 4 pillars of SQL Server Monitoring
Good reading about monitoring SQL Server. Written by 5 SQL Server experts.

Microsoft Future Decoded
Catch up on all the news and announcements from the two days.

SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 3 is now Available!!!
Take a look the detailed list of improvements introduced in this SP3.

Power Query M Primer (Part 10): Types—List, Record
That and 9 previous parts in the series let you understand M much better.

What was the fantastic news for me last week?
I was awarded MVP Data Platform!!! I’m really honoured and proud.

Previous How to create DACPAC file?
Next SQL Relay became Data Relay 2018

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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