Last week reading (2018-11-11)

Last week reading (2018-11-11)

Hello folks, how are you today? It was a very comprehensive week and many of my friends returned home after PASS Summit. As always, PASS Summit is the event where you can hear many announcements. This post, predominantly, base on them. Unfortunately, I did attend the event this year, but MVP Summit (in March next year) will make it up to me.

PASStv is your virtual ticket to PASS Summit 2018
This is the must see. Three days of selected videos.

What are paginated reports in Power BI Premium? (Preview)
Paginated reports, long the standard report format in SQL Server Reporting Services, are now available in the Power BI service.

Introducing: Power BI data prep with dataflows
So, data flow allows you to have ETL operations in a centralized manner. Self-service Data Warehouse in Power BI? Sounds good!

Announcing: Preview of Machine Learning Services with R support in Azure SQL Database
Do run R scripts and train machine learning models in Azure SQL Database by embedding them in T-SQL stored procedures.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse introduces new productivity and security capabilities
All the exciting enterprise features announced for #AzureSQLDW – Row Level Security, Workload Importance, and Continuous Integration/Deployment amongst others!

Azure SQL Data Warehouse provides frictionless development using SQL Server Data Tools
If you haven’t heard about it yet – this is great news and you can take an access to preview.

What’s New in SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.1: Faster Functions
A small piece of code where Brent [T] shows how a scalar function works under 2019.

Introducing Scalar UDF Inlining
Further expanding query processing capabilities with several new features under the Intelligent Query Processing (QP) feature family.

Redgate State of Database DevOps Survey 2019
Take part in the Redgate’s State of Database DevOps Survey. It’s the leading research on that area. Help here and do secure your chance to win a $250 Amazon voucher.

SQLBits 2019 is coming!
Registration for SQLBits 2019 has been opened on Thursday (8/11). Will you be an Early Bird?

How do you deploy machine learning models?
Terry McCann offers his helping hand.


Previous SQL Relay became Data Relay 2018
Next T-SQL Tuesday #108 – Non SQL Server Technologies

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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