Store sensitive information with Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault is a service which allows you to keep and manage passwords, certificates and other sensitive information securely. Out of the box we have capabilities to manage permissions having full control of who’ve got access to a particular type of information.
We can keep and securely manage 3 types of object:
- Keys
- Secrets
- Certificates
Each item might be defined with a period of validity and activated with a future date if needed.
In this post, I gonna focus on Secrets, where you can store:
- passwords
- connection strings
- logins
- usernames
- tokens
- … and others sensitive string
To find out more – check Microsoft’s documentation page. (link)
Create new KeyVault
Go to Azure Portal, find “Key Vaults”, click on it and then click “Add” button. You will see “Create key vault” section. Define your own name for creating vault, select (or create new) Resource Group and select Location.
Once new Key Vault is deployed – just refresh the list and click on the name – you will see fundamental information about the service – including: name, Location, Subscription name & ID, DNS Name and Pricing tier (SKU).
Create new Key
We are interested in creating new “secret”, so go to “Secrets” and click “Generate/Import” button. We use “manual” method to input password, so choose this option, input a name (must be unique among this group in Azure Key Vault) and then: sensitive value. Optionally you can inform your team what is the content of that secret.
By default, a new key is active, enabled and has no expiration date but you can change it at any time.
Click “Create” and your first password has been stored in your Azure Key Vault:
As you can see – all keys are versionable. All previous versions of items are kept, the latest version is the current one, but you always have access to all versions if require.
Grant a permission
You can control the access to Azure Key Vaults separately to each group, granting permissions to a various set of operation on them. Below table presents what rights you may granted.
Key permissions | Secret permissions | Certificate permissions |
Get | Get | Get |
List | List | List |
Update | Set | Update |
Create | Create | |
Import | Import | |
Delete | Delete | Delete |
Recover | Recover | Recover |
Backup | Backup | Backup |
Restore | Restore | Restore |
Decrypt | Manage contacts | |
Encrypt | Manage Certificate Authorities | |
Unwrap key | Get Certificate Authorities | |
Wrap key | List Certificate Authorities | |
Verify | Set Certificate Authorities | |
Sign | Delete Certificate Authorities | |
Purge | Purge | Purge |
In order to grant permission(s), select ‘Access policies’ from menu and you could see “Add new” button and list of objects being had permissions.
For instance, if you want to add the rights “Get” and “List” only for particular Azure Data Factory – simply check out two checkboxes in “Secret permissions” field and find an appropriate principal on the list (Select a principal). As you can see, the possibilities for granting rights go far beyond the standard “user” and “group”. You can grant permissions directly for applications or services created in Azure.
Bear in mind, that (as usual) pairs “permission-object” are based on GUID rather than names. Thus, once you delete the object and create a new one even though the same name – permissions must be reassigned.
Reading the secrets
There are unlimited methods which allow you to read data from Key Vaults. Many (if not all) services and applications in Azure may get a password, connection string or token, including Azure Data Factory and Databricks. You can use any language (.NET, PowerShell, Python) you want to receive it.
In the following brief example – you can see how to read the secrets using PowerShell.
Import-Module AzureRM.KeyVault Connect-AzureRmAccount Get-AzureRMContext $secret = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName 'kv-sqlplayer' -Name "abc-database-password" Write-Host "Secret Value is:" $secret.SecretValueText
In the next posts, we will be using Key Vault very often.
Thanks & stay tuned.
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