SSDT: Scripting static data from SQL Server (video)

SSDT: Scripting static data from SQL Server (video)

Out of the box, SSDT covers objects on a database level, like tables, stored procedures, views, functions, etc. That means schema only. In many cases, there is a need to INSERT initial data to a particular table(s). Very often they are called: master data, reference data, lookup data, static data or dictionary. Even though SSDT does not support data – you can take advantage of the post-deployment script and INSERT needed data in there.

How to do it many times, how to care of existing data in the target database, when and how to update the data and, finally, how to script those tables from an existing system and easily implement it within SSDT project?
I will explain in this video.


Free app: Data Script Writer

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Next ASF 031: Paul Andrew interview

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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