SQL Saturday #664 in Katowice

SQL Saturday #664 in Katowice

Dear SQL Server fans 🙂

You can still submit a session for the upcomming SQL Saturday in Katowice that will take place on 16th Septmeber

Visit the page and send the submission now. Just to remind you – the deadline is on 18th July!


By the way there will be four workshops and two of them will be in English:

  • Mikael Wedham – A master class on workload tuning (ENG)
  • Stephanie Locke – Introduction to R (ENG)

As usual the workshops start on Friday at 9 a.m.

If you speak in Polish than you should definitely take part in one of the two workshops:

  • Tomasz  Libera – SQL Server Integration Services w praktyce
  • Hubert Kobierzewski – Kompletna hurtownia danych w chmurze – krok po kroku


Don’t waste time and register to the event now here.

We have already prepared and prepared the event schedule. There are some empty slots but even now you can see how great the event is going to be.

The SQL Saturday Katowice is organized as usual by the passionates from DataCommunity.

I am proud to be one of the members!




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