Last week reading (2018-04-22)

Last week reading (2018-04-22)

Redgate Shift LEFT magazine
The latest issue of Redgate’s Database DevOps magazine explores the benefits of DevOps for CEOs, CIOs, and IT Managers, and takes a comprehensive look at the new General Data Protection Regulation, providing a valuable insight into how organizations can meet its demands.

Azure Cosmos DB query cheat sheets
I’m preparing a separate site on this blog only for cheat sheets, but in the meantime try this out.

DAX Best Practices
Marco Russo’s recorded session from SQLBits 2018 conference.

Testing database connections with ssisUnit
My friend Bartosz [T] from family country has written a post about ssisUnit tests for connections (this time).

Dear SQL DBA Q&A: A Poorly Indexed ISV Database
Kendra [T] advises what should you do if you’ve got a poorly indexed database from a commercial software vendor?

Dynamically Changing A Chart Axis In Power BI Using Bookmarks And Buttons
Chris [T] demos how to change what is displayed on a chart axis dynamically using Bookmarks and Buttons without remodelling and writing DAX code.

Power BI Custom Visuals Class (module 99 – Drill-Down Donut Chart)
The short video presents advantages and how to use that custom visualization.




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About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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