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Last Weeks Reading (2024-02-11)

📰 News Power BI Project (PBIP) and Azure DevOps build pipelines for continuous integration Integrating the PBIP format with Azure DevOps lets you use Azure Pipelines to automate CI/CD pipelines.

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NotFound Status Code when working with ADFv2 via AzureRM.DataFactoryV2 PowerShell module

Azure Data Factory V2 is a great good tool for processing big data. It’s very scalable, flexible and modern cloud data integration service. You can compose and manage reliable and secure

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New blog, first post, big challenge!

Yeeaaahh! First post. First blog. I was waiting for it for at least 2 years. Yup, undoubtedly a “waiting” is the best definition for that. Waiting, because I was doing


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