
ASF 025 video invitation

It’s time to announce and disclose our next guest of the podcast “Ask SQL Family”. Ladies and gents, please to meet Rob Farley, who has come to us from Australia.

ASF 024 video invitation

I’m happy to announce that the next episode of “Ask SQL Family” podcast is coming. This time our guest is an amazing woman, not only in AI and Power BI

ASF 023 video invitation

I’m happy to announce that the next episode of “Ask SQL Family” podcast is coming. This time our guest is Amit Bansal. We were talking to him during this year’s

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ASF 021 video invitation (Star Wars Theme)

Since now, we will not keep our guests in secret. We want you to be prepared and wait if you’re interested in. First time 2 vs 2 in #AskSQLFamily podcast.

ASF 020 video invitation

New podcast’s episode is coming (next Friday) and in the meantime, take a look you can watch that episode’s trailer. Do you know which conference was inspired by the SQLBits

ASF 019 video invitation

Check how many bicycles he has got at home and where was the destination of last year of a 400 km trip? Which tool among Azure is the closest to

17 months of podcasting – recap

Before I publish the next episode of “Ask SQL Family” podcast, I would like to stop and look back for a while. Any time is good for that kind of summarize,

ASF 018 video invitation

What popular tool has he created in 2006? How many people do live in our guest’s country? What can give you a valuable perspective? New podcast episode is coming (next

ASF 017 video invitation

What wasn’t really designed for people of guest’s stature? From who his every good decision does come from? New podcast episode is coming (next Friday) and in the meantime you

ASF 016 video invitation

“Power BI is just growing and growing and getting better and better at an amazing rate.” Who said that? Watch the video trailer and guess who is the next guest.