Last Week Reading (2019-06-23)

Last Week Reading (2019-06-23)

Hello folks! Let’s take a look at a set of information from the field again.


The best practices for performance comparison between Azure SQL Managed Instance and SQL Server
Jovan Popovic describes 3 stages when doing a performance comparison between SQL Server and Azure SQL MI.

SQL Injection Protection
Still reported as the second most common technique for web attacks.

Azure Data Factory – Web Hook vs Web Activity
A good comparison is done by Paul Andrew (T).

Minimal Logging with INSERT…SELECT and Fast Load Context
Did you know that not always fully logged code path is being applied? Very good article by Paul White (T) with code examples.

Why You Should Create Reports in Power BI Desktop Instead of the Power BI Service
Melissa (T) describes a scenario when the editor in Service is not quite a good choice.

Globally Distributed Azure Cosmos DB
A few words about benefits and a few steps about how to create it.

Serverless geo-distributed applications with Azure Cosmos DB (video)
Matias Quaranta (T) joins Scott Hanselman (T) to share some best practices for creating serverless geo-distributed applications with Azure Cosmos DB.

Doc: Azure DevOps – Logging commands
Specific formatting or (progress) action can be achieved.

30 days of DevOps: Application Logging
A test of few applications who help you to check if a deployed application working as expected.

A word from Microsoft’s CEO

Video: Airbus drives innovation with Azure mixed reality and HoloLens 2

Smile Corner

Previous ASF 023 video invitation
Next Deployment of Azure Data Factory with Azure DevOps

About author

Kamil Nowinski
Kamil Nowinski 200 posts

Blogger, speaker. Data Platform MVP, MCSE. Senior Data Engineer & data geek. Member of Data Community Poland, co-organizer of SQLDay, Happy husband & father.

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